Menu of the FTP client application contain following items:
Print settings - Printer settings, paper size etc.
Print - prints active panel with active directory listing
Exit - exits the Hnet Info FTP client
View file - if you have selected a file (not directory) and select this command, a system standard editor with the selected file will open.
Rename - is used to rename selected file or directory. If multiple files are selected, application will start to prompt for all items to rename subsequently.
Create directory - makes possible to create a new directory in the active panel of local directory listing.
Delete - removes all selected files and directories from the disk. (in case of directory, the content of the directory will be deleted).
Select all - selects all rows in the active window.
Invert selection - selects all rows that were not selected and deselects the rest.
Open explorer - opens MS Windows Explorer with active window's directory.
Change directory - this command opens a dialog with a complete hierarchical directory structure of the computer. If you select a directory and click OK, the content of the directory will be displayed in the active panel. This command can be used to set the Documents directory for each user, etc.
Command line - runs system command line within the active panel's path.
Properties - this command opens dialog with files' properties of the selected files.
Connect - is used to connect to a remote computer.
Bookmarks - opens saved bookmarks dialog.
Disconnect - performs disconnecting of the remote computer. Disconnected is the server active in the right panel, if this is a local disk, a server in the left panel is disconnected. If both panels are local, a server on the end of the list of connected servers is disconnected.
View file - if you select a file (not directory) and select this item, the file is downloaded and opened in the system's standard editor. If user modifies the file and saves, application recognizes that and prompts user, if He wants to update the file on the remote computer too.
Rename - is used to rename selected file or directory. If multiple files are selected, application will start to prompt for all items to rename subsequently.
Create directory- makes possible to create a new directory in the active panel of remote directory listing.
Delete - removes all selected files and directories from the remote computer's disk. (in case of directory, the content of the directory will be deleted).
Select all - selects all rows in the active window.
Invert selection - selects all rows that were not selected and deselects the rest.
Change directory - this command opens a dialog with a complete hierarchical directory structure. If you select a directory and click OK, the content of the directory will be displayed in the active panel. You can cancel the process of exploring directory structure by hitting "Stop" button.
Properties - this command opens files' properties dialog of the selected files and directories.
Custom command - a dialog for editing and sending FTP commands to the server will open.
Change attributes - displays dialog for remote file's attributes change.
Copy - performs copying of selected files from the active panel to the other panel. If one of the panels contains remote computer's directory listing, files are downloaded from or uploaded to the remote computer. If both panels contain remote computer directory structure, file is transferred within them. (The file is downloaded to a Temp directory and then uploaded to destination server.)
Move - similar to copying, in addition the file is deleted in the active panel (on the local computer or sever).
Compare directories - compares content of directories, in the active panel are selected all rows that are not present in the other panel.
Find file - opens a dialog for searching files.
Refresh - performs refresh of the panel for listing files in a given directory.
Back to root - Sets the path to root directory and lists its content.
Transfer mode - sets files transfer mode. If AUTO is selected, files will be transferred as ASCII, if they have an extension from the list in fold Settings - miscellaneous. Otherwise, the files are transferred as binaries.
Add to queue - see. Queue
Change start time - allows to edit the time, when should be the selected file transferred.
Delete selected row - deletes a selected item (in the queue fold) from the list.
Clear queue - Deletes all files from the queue.
Save queue - saves the queue content to computer's disk.
Load queue - loads the queue from computer's disk.
Connection wizard - runs a dialog of connection wizard, which will guide the user through all necessary steps required to connect to a remote machine.
Run Telnet - runs standard telnet of the MS Windows system.
Run Ping/Trace - runs internal Ping/Trace application
Run File search - runs Internet file search.
Allow logs - allows saving of all log information (information about connecting and file transfer).
Clear log file - clears the log file.
Change log file path - allows change of log file path.
Settings - runs Properties dialog of some of the FTP client parameters.
Filter - opens filter application dialog.
Change language - changes the application language. Application must be terminated in order to see the change.